
Our toddler program provides care for children from approximately 2 years old through age 3. The ratio of children to care givers is 4:1. The maximum number of children in the room is 12. Staff members are chosen because of their love for the Lord and children, and they have been trained specifically for toddler care. The staff members in this room love interacting with the toddlers and helping them learn through play.  

The days are organized by a planned theme of the week that includes circle time, stories, finger plays, Jesus time, art, games, outdoor play, movement, sensory experiences and other hands-on activities. Talking, listening and singing with these children is essential for their language development.

As part of their day, the children will continue to learn and practice self-help skills and social relationships. It is important for children to learn to wash and dry their hands, put away their toys and learn to make choices. While doing all these things your child will be building adult and peer relationships. We want them to develop positive friendships and interactions with others. They will continue to learn how to follow simple directions.The children start the process of learning how to share materials. They will also learn about self-control and how to join activities. There is a bathroom in the classroom and toilet training can be introduced as children show signs of readiness.

Snack is provided in the morning and the afternoon as part of your child's tuition. During the school year, hot lunch is an option at an additional cost. The children transition into our Adventurers Room (3's Plus) program once they are 3 years old and are toilet trained.